PLAN3D contribuye al avance en la simulación quirúrgica con modelo de oído 3D
En Plan3D, estamos muy orgullosos y felices de anunciar que nuevamente hemos sido parte de la publicación de un artículo...
We congratulate our Director Carolina Chávez Gatica for being one of those selected for the YLAI / Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (
This is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State, which aims to connect entrepreneurial leaders from all countries in the Americas.
Together with the other entrepreneurs, Carolina will go on an exchange trip, where she will be able to collaborate with a host company in the United States, as well as participate in a complete study plan on business leadership.
Last January 28, 2022 was the first meeting that kicked off the program, where the entire organizing team gathered to welcome the interns.
It is worth noting that around 1,800 candidates applied to this program, and Carolina is one of the 280 leading entrepreneurs selected throughout the Americas.